Current Research
Mother and Child 2020
Mother & Child 2020 study has completed 3 questionnaires to date exploring the events of 2020 (bushfires and COVID-19) and their impact on pregnant women, new mothers and their babies. 988 women completed the bushfire questionnaire, 800 women completed the COVID-19 questionnaire and 700 women completed the pregnancy questionnaire, two-thirds from the ACT, one third from Southeast NSW. The questionnaires are currently being analysed. A new questionnaire will be released very soon to participating women, now with toddlers, to follow up on the impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and family health and wellbeing. Interviews with participants are also underway to explore in-depth experiences of pregnancy and motherhood during the bushfires and COVID-19 of 2020, as well as the ongoing effects of COVID-19 through 2021.
Our Health in Our Hands
Our Health in Our Hands is a multidisciplinary research project aiming to advance the rapid digitalisation and personalisation of healthcare, through research partnerships with university research, individual patients and their families and support networks in the ACT and regional NSW, clinicians and health services. It is initially focused on two major chronic diseases; multiple sclerosis (MS) and diabetes.